Advisory Committee SDI Germany
Representatives of the GDI-DE Steering Committee, representatives of business and scientific interest groups are currently working together in the GDI-DE Advisory Committee . The integration of science into the work of the GDI-DE Steering Committee is already taking place in the past on a permanent basis via two representatives of science as permanent guestsand, since November 2021, now also in the Advisory Committee through the NFDI4Earth.
Due to the complex coordination processes and the manifold topics, the representatives of the GDI-DE Steering Committee, the GDI-DE Business Council and the scientific community have established an organisational structure that makes the cooperation as efficient and target-oriented as possible.
- The Advisory Committee SDI Germany, which includes representatives of the Steering Committee GDI-DE, the Economic Council SDI Germany and the scientific community, meets at least once a year for mutual exchange and consultation.
- The Steering Committee SDI Germany names its needs for advice and decides on any necessary measures resulting from the consultations.
- The Economic Council SDI Germany is an association of business interest groups which, through its participation in the Advisory Committee SDI Germany, advises the Steering Committee SDI Germany from a practical point of view on the market and user-oriented development of spatial data and spatial data infrastructures.
- Through the cooperation with science via NFDI4Earth, further developments in research data management are to be promoted and geodata applied in the future.
- The working group Consultancy SDI Germany coordinates the activities for the consultation of the steering committee SDI Germany by the economy in consultation with the chair, holds regular consultation meetings (at least once a year) with the economy, accompanies the implementation of the consultation results and reports on the activities to the steering committee SDI Germany. The working group consists of members from the steering committee SDI Germany, the coordination office SDI Germany, the coordination group Economic Council SDI Germany and representatives of NFDI4Earth.

Aims of the cooperation between the steering committee SDI Germany, industry and science
- Binding and reliable advice on the development of the SDI Germany as an integral part of the Spatial Data Infrastructure in the European Community (INSPIRE) and as a common framework for the Spatial Data Infrastructures of the Federal Government, the Länder and the local authorities
- Transparent and institutionalised exchange of information between the participants on the topics of the SDI Germany in direct dialogue with a clear definition of roles and assignment of tasks
- Cooperation on jointly selected topics, also involving other sectors
- Reduction of barriers to the efficient provision and use of geoinformation from a technological and economic perspective
- Providing impetus for the further development of the SDI Germany, also taking into account the economic and social challenges of digitisation
- Establishment of innovation partnerships also in cooperation with existing networks
- Increasing the use and added value of geoinformation by presenting examples of best practice
- Consideration of aspects of business development
- Market and application orientation of public geodata
The Advisory Committee SDI Germany meets at least once a year. The results of the consultations are summarized in fact sheets which reflect the status of consultation and processing for each topic.
Coordination office SDI Germany
Telefon: 069/6333 258
E-Mail: mail@gdi-de.org
(only in german)
(only in german)