
An essential prerequisite for the joint use of spatial data sets in Europe is the use of uniform data models.

What needs to be done?

Are you a spatial data repository and provide INSPIRE-relevant spatial data sets and services?
Then, after describing them with metadata and making them accessible via network services, you also have to make them available in an interoperable way in order to meet the requirements of the regulation for implementing the INSPIRE Directive regarding the interoperability of spatial data sets and services.
Among other things, the spatial data sets must be transformed into the format prescribed by the regulation.
All spatial data sets are available in an interoperable way by the end of 2020.

How do we, in the SDI Germany, implement the interoperability requirements of INSPIRE?

For the implementation of the requirements of the interoperability regulation, the associated "Technical Guidance" documents (data specifications) are particularly relevant, which define, among other things, the data models for the INSPIRE topics.
An easy access to the data specifications is provided by the "Interactive Data Specifications", which is provided by the European Commission.
Here you have the possibility to determine the themes and objects relevant for your spatial data set.

How can I exchange views with other bodies and experts at European level?

At European level, the networking of data providers and technical experts is supported by the INSPIRE Helpdesk. The INSPIRE Helpdesk serves as a discussion platform and facilitates the exchange with the European Commission and experts from the European Member States.

You can inform yourself about the activities of the countries in the GDI-DE Wiki.

Documents and further information

The Regulation implementing the INSPIRE Directive on the interoperability of spatial data sets and services has been in force since 28 December 2010. It is directly applicable in each Member State and regulates what has to be implemented.

Regulation implementing the INSPIRE Directive as regards the interoperability of spatial data sets and services (consolidated version)

Further information on the technical implementation of the INSPIRE requirements regarding the interoperability of spatial data sets and services can be found in the GDI-DE Wiki.