Network Services

The INSPIRE-relevant spatial data sets and their metadata shall be made accessible via network services in the spatial data infrastructure.

What has to be done?

Are you a body holding spatial data, do you provide INSPIRE-relevant spatial data sets and services and have you already described them with Metadata?

Then you have to make the spatial data sets and associated metadata accessible via network services, while complying with the requirements of the regulation for implementing the INSPIRE Directive regarding network services.

The spatial data sets must be searchable via search services, visualisable via presentation services and downloadable via download services.

The contact points at the federal and state level are happy to advise you and support you in making your spatial data sets available for INSPIRE!

How do we implement the INSPIRE requirements for network services in the SDI Germany?

In the SDI Germany (GDI-DE) a central search service is provided with the, which fulfils the INSPIRE requirements. So that your spatial data can be searched centrally, you as the body holding the spatial data have to make sure that your metadata is provided by a catalogue, which is connected to the As a rule, components for metadata acquisition and metadata provision via the catalogues of the federal states are offered in the federal states. Please contact the contact point responsible for you!

The provision of display and download services is usually decentralised and carried out by the spatial data holding agencies themselves or on their behalf. In some cases, the federal states also provide central support for the provision of presentation and download services. For further information, please contact your local SDI contact point.

In addition to the metadata about your geodata sets, metadata about your display and download services must also be recorded and made accessible.

In the SDI Germany the Working Group Spatial Data Services accompanies the implementation of the INSPIRE requirements for display and download services. For the provision of display and download services, the Working Group Spatial Data Services has issued recommendations for action, which describe how the requirements of INSPIRE are implemented in the GDI-DE.

The SDI Working Group Spatial Data Services is happy to advise you on questions regarding the technical implementation of the INSPIRE requirements for display and download services!

You can check if your services meet the requirements of INSPIRE with the GDI-DE Testsuite.